Must Read: DJ Snyper Part-way with Xtreme Pub and Restaurant

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DJ Snyper Part-way with Xtreme Pub and Restaurant

Slim Gee ft. Benji - XXL👇 👇 👇 👇 insert description here

The hardworking and people’s favorite Eastern region-based DJ, Mr Akorli Sheriff Grant known as “DJ  Snyper” part ways with Akwatia based Xtreme Pub and Restaurant.

After two and half years of working with XTREME PUB & RESTAURANT, DJ Snyper have decided to end his service with the organization. His position as the pub’s full-time DJ and Event Manager assumed on August 20th, 2021, and ended on December 31st, 2023.

In a one-on-one interview, DJ Snyper describes his experiences; “As a Program’s Manager, I experienced some of my greatest moments at XTREME. I’ve served the best of recipes in music and kept music lovers coming back for more. I miss doing that every day. In these few days after I resigned, my inbox is overflowing with inquiries of my whereabouts, so I decided to officially make the announcement today.”

“I am sorry but I’m no longer a part of XTREME PUB AND RESTAURANT. We may discuss the why’s at some point. Maybe but for now, I’m gone”.

Currently, I am preoccupied with other things outside of Disc Jockeying, but I am not giving up on my career in the entertainment industry.

I promise, as soon as I can buy myself some free time, I’ll build up a digital channel on the side.

Therefore, we will definitely catch up shortly.

“I sincerely appreciate everyone’s support while at Xtreme Pub. Big love to my former colleagues and the event crew. In my eyes, you guys are super-humans. We sat quietly in our corner and disturbed Akwatia, and its environs! We could have done better, we were great” – DJ Snyper.

I’ve included a few of the videos from my time at XTREME that I could find. With the majority of my visitors, I had a thing for taking short videos. Look through, you may find some of your favorite moments on my YouTube Channel.

Until then, love always – DJ Snyper.

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