Manage Your Mind

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The place that controls your life is your mind; there are many believers who fail in this area and wonder why things are not looking good for them even though they Love the Lord very much. The mind is a powerful house that determines the future of people (believers and unbelievers), so you should spend time managing your mind.

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Apostle Paul literally told us this in clear terms when he penned down his thoughts to the Philippian church, ‘and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS.’ (Philippians 4 v 7-8)

That is how to manage your mind in today’s world of social media, fake news, breaking news, terrible news, social mayhem, and a dysfunctional society with a negative moral conundrum. We should make all efforts to ensure the sanity of our minds are of premium priority so that we can live a quiet and peaceable life in Christ.

There are many Christians who simply pray, and hope praying will sort out their states of being depressed and stress without taking intentional steps to manage their minds. God’s perfect will is for us to have sound minds and not be stressed out with negative information that produces depression and plunges our lives into the abyss of perpetual sadness and warped worldview.

Let me Inspire you today on how to Manage Your Minds


  1. GUARD YOUR INBOX: There is little or nothing you can do at times about your inbox but I am sure you can make efforts to Guard the inbox, you can unsubscribe to some information that will go straight to your spam, and you will not see those things. Guard what goes into your mind.


  1. DELETE WRONG INFORMATION: What you save and store in your mind may hurt your life eventually. Make sure you delete some news and information about hatred, bigotry, envy, and jealousy in your mind. Do not save them but delete them urgently.


  1. MEDITATE ON THE RIGHT THINGS: Think about these things and not other things, Paul’s inspired words were very clear about what we should meditate on and not touch with a ten-foot pole. Joshua also admonished us to meditate only on God’s Words


  1. FAKE NEWS ARE DANGEROUS NEWS: Do not circulate any information orally or digitally that you have not confirmed its authenticity, it could be Fake news and it is not something that edifies at all but damages people’s reputation and name. Do not take over the devil’s job by being the accuser of your brethren.


  1. DO NOT BELIEVE UNTIL YOU INVESTIGATE: Many of us believe everything and anything out there, manage your mind by not Believing anything you hear out there.


  1. THE MIND CONTROLS THE HEART: Paul mentioned both our minds and hearts, the Mind controls your heart so manage your mind very well to control your heart. The Mind houses Information and the Heart expresses the Feelings (emotions) from the Information. It is what comes into your mind that affects your emotions about people.


  1. DELETE SOME OLD INFORMATION: Do not get stuck in the past, learn to forgive those who hurt you in the past and let go of them for you to move forward. Delete those things and bring in new things.

I hope you have been inspired on how to Manage your Minds.

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