Good sex improves eyesight; cleanses the human brain and heart’ – Dr UN

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Kwame Fordjour, also known as Dr. UN and self-proclaimed global ambassador for the United Nations (UN), recently spoke out on the positive aspects of having sexual relations inside marriage.

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Speaking to Adwen the Love Doctor on Ghana’s ‘In Bed with Adwen’ show, he explained that, “Sex is important to everyone especially adults hence, anyone who doesn’t know it’s use should not be human because mentally it makes you sound and also it improves the eyesight.”

He pointed out that besides the pleasurable experience, sexually active individuals tend to be highly bright and perceptive, and that God made sex so that men and women may learn more about themselves.

“Sex is a very powerful tool especially for couples. It can amend and make a broken home stand on its feet again. It also promotes respect in the home amongst the couples,” he stated.

Dr. UN furthered that having sex also bonds couples and gets them closer to each other, and this is why it is even the only way for one to procreate.

He advised couples to have sex frequently if they want peace to reign in their home always.

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